DANCE & THEATRE PIECE for Theatre Bielefeld
Together with Choreographer Moritz Ostruschnjak, co-founder Martin Backes created a dance and theatre piece for Theater Bielefeld called NOOSTOPIA. Expect lots of robots, a crazy stage & lightning design coming straight out of a virtual world, great music and costumes and of course 10 great dancers.
English Press Text:
„We were here“. There’s no way of denying it. Climate catastrophe, scarcity of resources and genetic control are phenomena of our present time. They were largely caused by those technological innovations through which we actually wanted to improve our lives. And now that things are getting out of hand, the maxim for action is shifting: we were just trying to subjugate the wild and unpredictable nature, but now it is to be protected and preserved. But what do we actually understand by „nature“? Isn’t our mental concept essentially determined by technologies? Where does nature end and where does the technosphere begin?
TANZ Bielefeld embraces the digital: walking robotic branches, pneumatic mushrooms and music robots determine the landscape of Noostopia (noos: „intellect“, „mind“, topia: „place“, „space“) and transform the TOR 6 Theaterhaus into an interdisciplinary experimental field that examines the consequences of the human urge for innovation. At the intersection of contemporary dance and digital media art, choreographer Moritz Ostruschnjak, artist Martin Backes, and stage designer Thilo Ullrich question the connection between what has born from nature and what has been made. What awaits us in the „Next Nature“? How can we encounter it if we haven’t outsourced ourselves beforehand?
Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia in cooperation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat.