DUSCHMIX Installation for Klangwelten Festival
We did the technical design, development and implementation for the installation „Duschmix“ at the “Klangwelten” festival for the Landesmusikakademie Berlin.
Every year in spring, the Landesmusikakademie Berlin organizes the sound and music festival “Klangwelten” for children and youngsters at the Freizeit- und Erholungszentrum (FEZ) in Berlin. aconica took care of the technical design, development and implementation for the sound installation “Duschmix”, which was part of this festival.
The many sound reflexions on the tiled bathroom walls and the relaxing warm water seem to provide ideal conditions for singing which most people wouldn’t do in other surroundings – especially if there are other ears that listen! The installation “Duschmix” picks up on this phenomenon and provides an extended singing-in-the-shower-situation: the shower head turns into a microphone, and by pressing buttons and turning knobs, people can playback music, put different effects on their voice, and record their performance. The shower singers can hear the music and their voice by wearing headphones, and of course they can draw the shower curtains close. It is amazing how effectively this quite simple visual and acoustic separation from the surrounding world works: Even shy and introverted people start singing quite loudly into the shower head, even though they know that there may be a dozen listeners around!